


The Australian Chinese Association of Hong Kong Ltd. (ACAHK) is a non-profit-making organisation established with themissions of : Promoting fellowship and friendship among Australian Chinese and those with ties and relations with Australia.Promoting Australia and the Australian way of life. Rendering assistance to ethnic Chinese people intending to migrate to Australia.


Our Values


Each member of our organisation is an individual with personal goals and values of his or her own. However, we share certain common values. These values, which hold us together, form our culture and make us what we are today and tomorrow.


Fellowship and Friendship


Fellowship and friendship among our members are the common bond between our members, regardless of their race, sex and religions.


Australian Way of Life


Australia and the Australian way of life are what we are stand for.


Responsibility and Proper Conduct


Responsibility and proper conduct are the standards of our behaviour.


Mutual Respect and Honesty


Mutual respect and honestly are our guiding principles in dealing with fellow members and other people.


Our History


The Association was founded in 1992 by a group of Australian Chinese in Hong Kong, with the purposes of promoting fellowship and friendship among Australian Chinese n Hong Kong and helping Chinese people intending to migrate to Australia.

ACAHK is honoured to have the Consul-General of Australia in Hong Kong as its patron and has maintained a close relationship with the Australian Consulate General in Hong Kong. ACAHK is very much indebted to the former Australian Consul-General, Dr. Jocelyn Chey, her successors, Mr. Geoff Walsh, Ms. Susan Boyd, Mr. Bill Tweddell, Mr. David O’Leary, Mr. Murray Cobban, Mr. Les Luck, Mr. Paul Tighe, Ms. Michaela Browning, and the present Consul-General Ms. Elizabeth Ward for their support. The Association organises various functions for its members and arranges meetings between its members and leaders from Australian industries and officials from the Australian Government. In response to increasing responsibilities and the requirement for better member services as the Association grew, the Association was incorporated as a limited company in Hong Kong on 28 th of December 1995.



Management and authority of the ACAHK rest with the Board of Directors, who are elected at the Association’s General Meeting. The Executive Committee and sub-committees, appointed by the Board of Directors, are responsible for the management of the Association. ACAHK is also under the guidance of its patron, the Consul-General of Australia in Hong Kong.























本會由一群澳籍華人於1992年在港創立。目的是促進會友情誼和協助有意移民澳洲的華人。本會榮幸地邀請到歷屆駐港總領事出任本會贊助人,並與香港澳洲領事館保持良好關係。本會成立之初得到前任澳洲駐港總領使梅卓琳博士,及其多位繼任人華傑明先生、貝素珊女士、杜德先生、吳大偉先生、郭繆偉先生、黎士德先生、Mr. Paul Tighe及彭朗寧女士的支時,令本會仝人至今仍銘記於心。現任的的澳洲駐港總領事華怡德女士也非常支持本會。本會經常舉辦定期性的活動以饗會友;其中包括安排會員們與澳洲政治、經濟、工業界各方面的領袖會晤。



